domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2019

KATIE FFORDE,full of romance

One of the best pink novelist from UK is visiting my blog. She said yes to my questions very quickly. She is a best-selling author that talk about modern romance. 

And she with her children are designing towels, mugs with her name too. A woman with many talents. And today is visiting my blog. So good.

--You use different topics in each book. Not only nice and romantic moments. You talk about divorces, marriages, teenager's troubles, deaths. I have watched all your movies.

Katie Fforde heroines always face an existential conflict. In order to solve it, they need to overcome obstacles, they have to learn new things and they often do something they would not have thought themselves capable of. On their path to reach their goal they sometimes fall in love – or out of love – but they don’t wait for Prince Charming to rescue them. They live their own independent lives, and they always have a great sense of humor.

--Do you film all your movies in UK?  Incredible places.

The movies transferred Katie Fforde’s stories from England to New England. They show urban life in Boston and New York as well as dreamy places at the US east coast famous for its lighhouses and its glorious Indian Summer.

--When did you begin to design those beautiful mugs, towels and other things?

A couple of years ago my children and their husbands had the idea of designing lovely homeware made in England. The business was launched a year ago and is being run alongside jobs, children and lots of pets! They started with towels and mugs and are soon to be launching a stationary range. They do most of the work, but they always ask me if I’m happy with it which I usually am! Find them here:

--You have written lot of books full of romanticism, good music, splendid stories that touch our hearts. How did you begin to write books?

 I started writing about 8 years before I became a published writer.  My first book came out 26 years ago which means I started writing about 34 years ago.

--Tell me please about your family and dogs. I see in pictures that you enjoy your family and dogs as well.

My children have all left home, but they live nearby and often visit with my grandchildren.  My daughter also has two dogs and I call them my ‘grand dogs’ as I helped her raise them when they were born, and their mother died.  They get on very well with my dogs and we have them to visit often too.

--Do you think paper books will disappear any day? Networks and applications are increasing day to day.

I don’t think paper books will disappear.  They are such good technology!  You don’t have to charge them up and they still work even if you drop them in water.  (as long as you dry them out!)

--In which moment of the day you write your books? Muses aren't with us all the time.

I like to write first thing in the morning when I get up but to be honest, if you are a professional writer, you have to write if you want to or not.  Even if you are not in the mood when you get going you find the words come.

I hope you find these answers helpful!
Very best wishes, 
Katie Fforde.

Her networks are:



Katie Fforde

Thanks to Katie to say yes to my questions. 

Leticia Teresa Pontoni.

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