HERVÉ TULLET,creating magical worlds

He was born in Normandie, France, north west. He studied fine arts. He is an artist, teacher, illustrator, his world of books are so so special. His first book was published in 1994. He is an imaginative, creative and innovative artist. His books are full of colors, figures, lines, etc. And today he is visiting my blog.

--You have surprising, simple books that get the child's attention by making him think and imagine. How are your books born?

I work a lot by intuition, with a lot of spontaneity. However, in the beginning, there is a strong commitment to the school, the child, the librarian, the teacher. They are the people I think about when I'm writing a book. I'm also looking for a feeling : being useful as an artist, by eliciting creation and therefore joy. 
My books are born from this balance between a strong ambition of creation and the desire that people reinterpret my work. 

--You have written more than eighty books. Do you have a favorite?

I think I should always answer "the last one" to this question. 
Because each book must be important and must bring something to the previous ones. 

--Do you think there is an activity that can accompany the book "Let's Play"?

The book we play is a line from the beginning to the end of the book, there have been experiences of lines that come out of the book (in a long corridor for example) that we follow and sometimes we stop for an activity, a gesture, a sound... 

--What books did you read as a child?

There were few, too few. Perhaps this is why I felt that access to books is important for all children. 

--Would you like to talk about your first book "How Mommy met Daddy"?

I feel that with this book I have laid the foundation for all my work. 
Meeting around the book, dialogue between the child and an adult, surprises by turning the page, unusual theme, simplified color, blue red yellow and the play between abstract / concrete drawing, many things that I developed thereafter. 

--Freedom to create, games, fun. Does the child need other things to become a happy adult?

Yes, he needs to feel responsible, invested in a mission that he can accomplish independently. 
I see this joy when I do ideal workshops or exhibitions. http://lexpoideale.com/en 
Joy and responsibility of the work to be done, to be built. 

-- What happens in your workshops?

Lots of happy things! Movement, music, dance, smiles, sharing, individual, collective and beautiful drawings in the end and beautiful memories for me and for everyone I believe. 

Thanks for say yes to my interview, and for his son's help to get pictures for this interview.

Leticia Teresa Pontoni.


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